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Safety Valves

From the basic principles of regulation viewpoint balancing valve is actually an instruction manual for the regulation valves. In balancing valve upstream and downstream ends of the tube with a hole, used to measure the fluid through valves pressure reduction. Use, detected valves pressure reduction and read out the degrees, can be considered by the flow valves. Its role to regulating valves and flow-combination hole equivalent to the slip road to the flow distribution requirements. When the total cycle pump gear shift operation, the flow of the slip road ratio unchanged.

balancing valve dynamics operating principles : through changes in the flow Disc balancing valve the area around the valves to adjust to the change, thus achieving the purpose of flow control. Is a dynamic balancing valve local resistance to change spending components. When balancing valve and differential pressures are smaller than the smallest start differential pressures were not compressed spring-loaded, the largest circulation area. When balancing valve and differential pressures beyond the scope of work is completely compressed spring-loaded valves guts, guts flow only from valves on both sides of the square shed, when valves guts into a fixed regulator, the flow and differential pressures in proportion with the increase and differential pressures increase. balancing valve have some great pressure within the air-conditioning equipment to limit the maximum flow, automatic constant flow characteristics, in the large-type, complex, air conditioning load is not constant heating works, a simplification of the system into debugging, and shorten the debugging time.

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park

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